The 10th WACCM Leadership Training Conference, Perth


Deadline for application: May 1, 2019    截止報名日期:二零一九年五月一日

Please provide us with as much detail as possible to assist our LTC Registration Team with the processing of your registration submission.

English Surname 英文姓氏:


English Given Names 英文名稱:


Chinese Name 中文姓名:


Gender 性別:


Age 年齡:


E-mail Address 電子郵箱:


Other Contacts 其他通訊:


Nationality 國籍:


Phone No. 電話號碼:


(Mobile 手機)

Church 所屬教會:


Serving Post 事奉崗位:
Please 'tick' 請 ✔
May choose more than one item 可選多項


Role 崗位:


         Please state instrument/s 樂器:

For overseas/interstate participants only 海外及澳洲東岸學員適用

Transportation 交通接送:
(Includes between airport and guest house, and guest house and conference venue 包括機場至旅館和旅館至大會場地)

My itinerary 我的行程

  Date 日期
Time 時間
Flight No.
Perth Airport Terminal No.
Arrival 抵達
Departure 離開

If you have not booked your flight yet, please email us the above details as soon as you have received the ticket. 若還沒有訂機票,待收到機票之後請儘快把以上資料電郵給我們。 (

Accommodation for overseas and interstate participants 海外和東岸參加者住宿安排:

Accommodation at 入住 Trinity on Hampden.
Please refer to the Conference Brochure for details 詳情請參看課程單張

Please book accommodation at Trinity on Hampden for me for the following nights: (Please 'tick')
請為我預定以下日子的住宿:(請 ✔)

Please note that the Conference only requires staying three nights: June 27, 28 & 29. However, we can book the accommodation from June 25 to June 30 for those who would want to extend their stay. If participants wish to stay longer, they should let Trinity Guest Services know when they check in and enjoy the same discounted rate.

If not staying in Trinity on Hampden, please write down the address of your stay

Fees 費用:(In Australian Dollars 以澳幣計算)
Course fees (includes lunch & dinner)
學費 (連午餐和晚餐):$220/$200 (early bird 預早報名)
單日學費:$120 (one day)

You may still join the conference dinner and opening.
I would like to share room with 我的室友為

(roommate’s name, $61 each, including breakfast 姓名,每人$61,包括早餐)
I would like to have 我要
Twin bed 兩張單人床      Double bed 一張雙人床
Please arrange a roommate for me. 請為我安排室友。
I do not want to share room. ($110 including breakfast)

Nights Stay 夜天 
I come to attend the WACCM Committee meeting
(WACCM Committee Members receive free accommodation for June 26.
Non-locals transportation fees
Overseas TT bank charges

Electronic Funds Transfer Information 銀行轉帳資料
Account Name 戶口名稱:Chinese Christian Music Association of Western Australia
Bank Name 銀行:Bankwest     Branch 分行:Belmont
Address 地址:227 Belmont Ave., Cloverdale Western Australia 6105
BSB: 306-055     Account No. 戶口號碼:1098912
Please write your name in the 'narration' box. 請將名字寫在備註欄內。

I have transferred the amount above to your account on
本人已在  (Date 日期). 把款項轉帳到貴會的戶口。
  (Please retain the receipt for auditing purpose. Enrolment date is the date of the bank transfer.)
(  請保留單據以作核對之用。註冊日期以銀行過戶日期為準。)

Enquiry or Remarks (use this to elaborate things or make special requests, if necessary)

* Please note that all fields marked with a red asterisk must be filled in.
  If this form is submitted successfully, you will receive an email notification within two hours.
If you encounter any technical difficulties in submitting this enrolment form, please e-mail
如果您在提交此報名表時遇到任何技術困難,請電郵 聯絡我們。